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Embrace social value or get left behind warns CIOB 

Construction SMEs risk losing out in a competitive market if they don’t embrace the use of social value in procurement, so says a new report by the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB).   The report, Social Value...

HID and leading technology partners introduce mobile credentials in Google...

HID, a worldwide leader in trusted identity solutions, in partnership with Smart Spaces, an award-winning developer of Smart Building software, and Cohesion, a comprehensive Smart Building software platform that...

Schneider Electric helps Sidara build a greener future at new Holborn...

Schneider Electric, a leader in the Digital Transformation of energy management and automation, has announced its smart energy management solutions feature in the London headquarters of leading design, engineering and...

Cyber-safe green buildings 

IT cybersecurity specialist, OryxAlign, is calling for the integration of stronger cybersecurity measures in green buildings in its latest guide, The Green Buildings Guide, 2024: Achieving Green, Healthy & Cyber...

Esri’s ArcGIS basemaps integrated into Autodesk Civil 3D and AutoCAD 

Industry leaders in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) sectors are increasingly relying on the interoperability of geographic information systems (GIS) and building information modelling (BIM) to...

New Sweco report: Europe’s green transition towards a resilient industry s...

Sweco’s latest expert report outlines the progress of European industries in their efforts to become more resilient and move toward net zero. The steel industry is at the forefront, followed by the cement industry. T...

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