NICA shares vision for building cities of longevity at Smart City Expo in Barcelona 

NICA shares vision for building cities of longevity at Smart City Expo in Barcelona 

The UK National Innovation Centre for Ageing (NICA) presented its City of Longevity project at the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona. 

Joined by a delegation of public and private sector organisations from North East England, NICA shared its vision to equip city planners and policymakers with a toolkit for healthy longevity as part of a UK exhibition organised by Department for Business and Trade and Connected Places Catapult. 

NICA CoL Barcelona Meetup PRESS

Smart City Expo was attended by more than 25,000 people from 800 cities in 2023, bringing together the most influential figures in urban design and digital transformation for three days of events, networking and knowledge exchange. 

As part of its programme, NICA partnered with the Barcelona City Council on a special offsite event, the Barcelona Meetup, for the founder members of the City of Longevity global community, which was established at the inaugural City of Longevity conference in Newcastle in July 2023. 

Professor Nic Palmarini, Director of NICA, said: “What we want to achieve with the City of Longevity is a paradigm shift in how we think about the role of civic institutions and policymakers, moving away from simply building ‘age-friendly’ infrastructure to support people as they age and towards co-designing solutions that can positively influence the behaviour of people over the life course so that they can stay healthier for longer.” 

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