EngineeringUK’s releases annual impact survey of The Tomorrow’s Engineers Code

EngineeringUK’s releases annual impact survey of The Tomorrow’s Engineers Code

The Code is a commitment to increase the number and diversity of young people entering engineering and technology careers. 

The impact was assessed across 10 areas, and improvements were seen across all of them. There were six key areas that saw the greatest improvement: 

  • 76% agreed or strongly agreed that being a member of The Code has improved the way their organisation understands how its activities relate to other STEM outreach 
  • 61% agreed or strongly agreed that being a member of The Code has improved how they collaborate with other organisations involved in STEM outreach 
  • 59% agreed or strongly agreed that being a member of The Code has improved the way their organisation evaluates its STEM outreach activities 
  • 64% agreed or strongly agreed that being a member of The Code has improved the way their organisation shares learnings, evaluation findings or resources with others 

There has been an increase in activities that Signatories have done to meet the four pledges since last year. This includes areas that have been historically lower such as collecting feedback outreach (81% said they have done so this year, compared with 61% last year); and evaluating the impact of their STEM outreach (68% have done so this year, compared with 54% last year); and sharing learnings from evaluation findings with other members of STEM community (42% now compared with 29% for the past two years). 

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